In 1271 when Marco Polo left Venice at the start of his journey to the land of the Kublai Khan, there was another Marco that traveled with the expedition



Hello to all the people who have sent comments to this blog.

You may have noticed that the comments section is now closed. I have been thinking how to tell you why it has been necessary to do so.  Perhaps a comic would be a good way of explaining the reason. So here goes, please read the comic.

When I started this blog, I received comments, mostly from friends and family. I replied to them all.Then one day a total stranger commented. I was very happy and wrote back to this person and thanked him.Soon, more and more ‘strangers’ from all over the world wrote to me. I was thrilled and thanked them all. I simply felt if someone, whose first language is not English, took the trouble to contact me, I should respond. I even replied to the comments that were negative! All comments are valuable.

Then suddenly, the comments doubled, then trebled and soon I was receiving over 200 contacts a week. I desperately wanted to answer all of them. When my inbox registered 1000 incoming comments I knew I was in trouble.

In desperation I contacted my blog manager and asked him to stop the blog. He wisely decided to close down the comments only and suggested that I carry on with the blog but explain to the readers why we have done this.

I have now dug myself out from under your wonderful comments and want to say THANK YOU for writing. I cannot possibly answer you all individually but I want you to know I appreciate the fact that you took the trouble to comment.

I will open the comments again soon but will only be able to answer a few. Thank you so much for reading ‘The Other Marco’s blog’.



As this is TOM #18 and being an even number, it is Monster Time again.

Thinking about what kind of Monster to draw, I eventually thought how important it is to say THANK YOU.  So here we have the kind of Monster that never says THANK YOU.  This is how I would have imagined myself if I had not said THANK YOU to all of you who have commented to my blog.


Awful looking, isn’t it?